4Sight Risk Management Strategies LLC
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Captive Insurance Company “Strategies”

Captive Insurance Companies (Captives) can be a tremendous Risk Management instrument.  This is especially the case for businesses that underwriters perceive as “High Risks” like Contractors or Developers. Often however, companies are persuaded into setting up a Captive only to find out a few years later that the benefits are not commensurate with the ongoing costs.  Sometimes, this is the case because the Captive is not being fully utilized by the company, and at times, the Captive never should have been facilitated.  4Sight Risk Management Strategies LLC has extensive aptitude with Captive Insurance Companies, including firsthand experience as an Underwriter, Broker and Contractor.  We have never been involved with a failed Captive, and plan to continue with that record. 

Consider using 4Sight RMS for:

  • A Presentation or Educational Seminar on Captive Insurance Companies. 
    • What are the facts about Captives. 
    • What are the fallacies about Captives? 
    • How do Captives work?  What are the different types of Captives?
    • What is involved in setting up a Captive?
    • What are the costs of setting up a Captive? 
    • In addition to the potential tax acceleration benefit, what are some of the other Risk Management uses for a Captive?
  • An evaluation to determine whether a Captive is a potentially a valuable Risk Management tool, before allocating significant funds for a Captive Feasibility Study.
  • As your Resource to Guide you through actually setting up a Captive.
    • Selecting Actuaries, Captive Managers, Captive Tax CPA and Attorneys.
    • Setting a short term and long term business plan for your Captive.
    • Integrating your Captive into a meaningful overall Risk Management Plan.
  • An evaluation of an existing Captive.  Is it fully utilized? 
  • A third party assessment of a Captive Feasibility Study. 
  • A third party assessment of a Captive proposal.


If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Then quit. There's no point in being a damn fool about it.
W. C. Fields

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